Saturday, August 28, 2010

So Why Choose Disney?

Two weeks ago I had to go to a convention for work in Orlando. The four day convention was held at Walt Disney World in their Coronado Springs Resort. I have traveled all over and stayed many places but never have I experienced such happy and helpful employees. Everyone on the resort premises always had a smile on their face and in turn it made me smile. I have heard on several occasions that it was suppose to be "the happiest place on Earth" and my experience justified it. So, why is it the happiest place and what makes the employees so chipper? That's why I chose to follow Disney, to see just exactly what they are doing to motivate their employees and keep the morale throughout their company so high. Is it the pay, the benefits, the training, or just hiring the right people? I guess we will find out....

1 comment:

  1. I definitely want to hear about their "facial hair' policy. I recently saw where Disney had relaxed its "no mustache or beards" policy for male employees.

    They do exemplify customer service --- when we talk about competitive advantage later -- you should revisit this.

    Good choice.
